Localization services by translators with expertise in video games
We support English, Traditional and Simplified Chinese, Korean, Thai, French, Italian,
German, Spanish, Portuguese, Indonesian, and more!
Translating approximately 30 million characters each year!
Why choose Digital Hearts?
A recruitment rate of under 10%! Every one of our translators has been rigorously screened to ensure they have the right skills!
We don't recruit our translators solely for their translation capabilities; each translator is carefully selected based on their aptitude for video game translation. Our translator trials measure the applicant's language proficiency, as well as their ability to localize language unique to gaming such as skill descriptions and system text. We also monitor how they approach Japanese humor and puns, and whether they are capable of accurately portraying a character's unique quirks through their writing. Among the candidates tested in 2021, less than ten percent were able to meet our company's high standards. At Digital Hearts, we are dedicated to providing only the highest quality translations, and to that end we have spared no effort in assembling the best team of translators.
Translations specially tailored to the world of gaming
We understand the importance of providing a translation that is faithful to the game and appeals to its target audience. Our expert team is well-versed in different styles of writing and translation, and will do their utmost to produce a localization that is in line with your vision.
Whether you require strict fidelity to the original text or encourage creative liberties, we are confident that our staff can meet your specific needs.
Aftercare support
Even once a translation has been finished and delivered, our services don't simply end there.
If you have any concerns over the final product, we are more than happy to fix the problem at hand. No matter is too small or trivial!
Delicate attention to the source material
It only takes one slight misspelling or omission to fatally alter the trajectory of the translation. Our team is trained to comb through the source material as we translate, and will alert clients of any potential problems found in the original text.
Gamers at heart
As avid fans of video games, our team of translators deeply respects the content matter of the projects they work on, which plays a huge part in the care given to their localizations.
Japanese as our common language
Though we are a hugely diverse, multilingual team, we mostly communicate in Japanese.
This support system made up of fellow users and learners of the language greatly aids us when localizing from Japanese and helps improve the overall quality of the end product.

Full range of services and optimal options

We welcome translation trials!
Don't hesitate to ask us if you'd like to see a sample of our translation quality. We accept small translation trials free of charge.

AI translation available!
At Digital Hearts, we are working to improve translation speeds and efficiency by developing an AI system using machine learning. For those interested in utilizing our AI translation system, please inquire with us about it!